Political Correctness Equals Respect
When did being Politically Correct become a bad thing?!
Donald Trump has denounced political correctness and has built a campaign disparaging and belittling others: Hispanics, Muslims, the Black and Asian cultures, Women, the Republican Party…and the list goes on. He wears being mean, nasty, snarky, and politically INcorrect as a badge of honor, something to be proud of. But what’s wrong with being politically correct?!
Being politically correct is simply being respectful and polite; two words that are not in Trump’s vocabulary or mindset. “Respectful and polite” are attributes strong leaders emanate—even if they disagree with or see differently than the person they are speaking to or working with. It’s not necessary to be in complete agreement on issues when respect is present. Polite, respectful conversation can lead to compromise and win-win situations for all.
But when being “politically correct” is beyond a leader’s mental capacity, when polite conversation has ceased and the conversation has turned to condescending, belittling language, we all lose. The person or group who’s being verbally attacked with politically incorrect language feels victimized; and the attacker, the bully has weakened our position as a nation that acknowledges, appreciates, and embraces people or cultures that can help build a brighter future for us all.
I don’t profess to know the politics of Dear Abby, Emily Post, or Miss Manners, but each of these women made a name for herself by being polite and sharing her perspective and advice with readers. I doubt any of them would say it’s okay to mock and minimize another person or culture. And, if they heard Donald Trump today, they’d probably suggest charm school. (Too bad he can’t take his millions and millions of dollars and buy some manners.) In lieu of charm school, read this most excellent article by Sara Altschule at Bustle.com, 8 Etiquitte Tips That Will Make You Seem More Classy. All these suggestions are “politically correct” and easy to follow
I have a choice, you have a choice, we all have a choice: whether we use politically correct language or not. But truly, what can it hurt? Don’t you want to be acknowledged and respected? Isn’t this a simple common courtesy that is simple to extend to each other? All politics and beliefs aside.
We’re all in this together, whether we acknowledge it or not. H2H. Human to Human. So why not be respectful? Why not be politically correct?