Sisterhood of the Traveling Yoga Pants

I only saw the movie The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants once. It’s not that I didn’t like it; I just haven’t seen it multiple times, as is my routine when I find a movie I love. It’s memorable to me as a bigger, surreal connection with all women everywhere and especially travelers everywhere as we seek to move our bodies from place-to-place as easily and comfortably as possible.
We do, after all, connect on an earthly level.
We all have bodies going through this human experience. Wearing pants is something MOST of us have in common. I suppose there are still people in the Outback of Australia, in the deep rain forest, and in Scotland, of course, that don’t wear pants. Then there is the cast of Naked and Afraid and Survivor that don’t wear pants. But please humor me; the majority of us do.
Hence the expression: we all put our pants on one leg at a time.
Translation: we are all the same.
That was one theme of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Each lady put the pants on, one leg at a time, but their experience in the pants was uniquely their own. As is everyone’s—a unique journey where we can only imagine walking a mile in someone else’s pants and shoes.
It reminds me of the world of yoga where each of us, as we step one leg at a time into our yoga pants, and one foot at a time onto our mats, has a unique heart/mind/body experience. My yogi teacher is fond of saying, “We meet ourselves on our mat daily.” Each day brings a new journey, whether our travels take us around town or around the world.
As my own travels continue to take me coast-to-coast, I hope I’m considerate and kind, honoring the human being in front of me and the journey we all take. I hope I smile and nod and engage and play along. I hope I see and honor all people.
I hope I let the small, uncomfortable human failing fall to the side. I hope I often support and bring courage to those that have misplaced theirs. I vow to honor every person, in every pair of pants in front of me.
I vow to see the commonality in all of us. I vow to honor both brotherhood and sisterhood of the traveling pants. I vow each time I don my traveling yoga pants that I reflect the light that is in each of us. Wearing comfortable pants helps!! I suggest yoga pants to everyone.