Donald Trump is bombarding us with lies on Facebook.
Trump’s campaign is spending over $1 million each week in Facebook ads FALSELY stating that fact-checked, debunked conspiracy theories are indeed true. His base is eating it up, using Trump’s hatred to fuel their own.
There are lies about immigrant caravans, lies about Democrats wanting to take your guns, lies about Russia’s role in electing Trump, and most recently lies about Ukraine, Joe Biden’s son, and impeachment.
What is Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook doing to combat Trump’s efforts to use them as a willing foil? A tool? HELPING, that’s what. Facebook has CHANGED their third-party, fact-checking policies to state politicians are the ONLY ones that can OPENLY LIE on their platform. I can’t lie on Facebook. You can’t lie on Facebook. The companies we represent cannot lie on Facebook. But politicians are different, says Zuckerberg and his Trump-loving head of global elections policy, Katie Harbath—who, by the way, was Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s Deputy eCampaign Director from Feb 2007 -Jan 2008. Oh, and she was Chief Digital Strategist for the National Republican Senatorial Committee from Aug 2009 – March 2011. Yeah, now tell me this new policy ISN’T about getting Trump re-elected.
According to Julia Wong, a Guardian US technology reporter, “Trump’s Facebook page has launched 5,883 different ads since news of the Ukraine-call whistleblower broke on 18 September, 40% of which mention impeachment, according to a Guardian analysis of the Facebook political ad archive. The Trump campaign has spent between $1.3m and $3.8m promoting the impeachment ads, which had been viewed between 36.5m and 43.9m times, as of Wednesday. (The ad archive reports spending and impression data as a range.)” Clarification: Wednesday, October 9 equals 3 weeks of running ads.
Trumped-up Charges
Trump’s 30-second impeachment ad, with millions of views, WRONGLY edits together visuals and narrative implying then VP Joe Biden “promised Ukraine a billion dollars if they fired the prosecutor investigating his son’s company.” News stations have refused to air the ad due to out-right manipulation of the facts.
Lies repeated again and again are believed. According to,
“Facts don’t actually matter: People repeat them (lies) so often that you believe them. Welcome to the “illusory truth effect,” a glitch in the human psyche that equates repetition with truth.” Wired further points out, “Marketers and politicians are masters of manipulating this particular cognitive bias—which perhaps you have become more familiar with lately.” And Trump is mostly targeting older, white women—the demographic that helped him win in 2016. The ones who don’t mind he’s an adulterer and brags about grabbing women by their _______. Well, you know what he said.
Facebook users must be diligent. Don’t be fooled by Trump’s constant barrage of garrbage. You are being exposed to his garbage daily thanks to Facebook. According to Market Watch, “Trump’s campaign has spent more than $21 million on those two platforms since the 2018 midterm elections.” They were referring to Facebook and Google. Here’s Trump’s ad spend on Facebook Dec 2018 through March 2019 BEFORE he ratcheted-up the impeachment ads. If this doesn’t scare the crap out of you, what will? Facebook users are being brainwashed.
Elizabeth Warren calls out Zuck
Elizabeth Warren, who Zuckerberg FEARS because of her intent to regulate Facebook should she become President, is turning things back on Facebook. This is her post regarding Facebook’s negligence in the 2016 election and pointed assist in Trump’s 2020 presidential run.
If you agree with Warren, sign her petition now.
Facebook has an obligation: to be neutral, but they are not. They are clearly helping divide this country by hiding behind 1st Amendment rights of protected, free speech. Facebook says people should be exposed to all information and make their own decisions, but the constant deluge of LIES is being believed. Facebook could simply fact-check the politicians LIKE THEY DO WITH EVERYONE ELSE. Instead, Facebook is clearly selling out Democracy for the dollars and rubles.
Enjoy your fame and fortune, Mr. Zuckerberg, as you help Trump continue to crap on the Constitution, imprison brown kids, and allow the Kurds to be slaughtered. You truly do suck, Zuck. #FFacebook